Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Obedience Training

Dog training is never easy, especially if you have new dog or if you are just starting on to train your own dog, and they are more stubborn than your kids. And communicating with them is hard and for some people it may be impossible to do.

It requires any person to have a very long patience when training their dogs, because training them would take a long time, and you’ll have to repeat every single routine or tricks for them be able to familiarize the tricks that you are trying to teach them, even with the simple tricks such as to sit, down, stay, heel, recall (“come” or “here”), and close (loose leash walking) will require a very long patience and dedication.

But there is one trick that you would like your dog to have, and that trick is not the most advanced trick that you can teach them, actually that trick is the most essential part of the training. Why? because without this basic trick you cannot teach your dog the basic tricks such as fetch, play dead, kiss, roll over, crawl, bow or shake hands , and that trick is the Obedience Training.

What is obedience training? Obedience training is the essential part when training your dog and pets, it is vital that your pets or your dog must learn this training first, since the obedience training will measure your pets or your dogs capability to follow instructions while on training.

Obedience training is not limited to these basics commands, but also the obedience training can be applicable to advance trainings, tricks or commands in which dog owners and trainers teaches them to be accurate with their tricks, because some dog owners and trainers gives them the chance to participate in dog competitions that recognizes their ability to do tricks and follow specific commands from their owners and trainers.

Dogs or pets can be considered obedient if they could comply or respond immediately or automatically when a certain command has been given out, in a strict sense a dog or a pet who undergone obedience training cannot be considered as an obedient dog if they could not follow or respond according to the command of their owner, trainer or handler.

Also the training of dogs for obedience will also depend on the trainers or handlers’ skill to implement the training and the better understanding of the training process, also the training requires any handler, trainer or owner to have the commitment and the dedication to train their dogs or pets.

Learn more: http://caninesupertrainer.com

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